
Delivering a superior education in today’ s world is a complex equation that depends on many factors. Chief among those factors – one that 线上赌博app cannot survive without – is the financial support of our alumni, 父母和朋友. 

Did 线上赌博app help lay the groundwork for your success or that of your child? Then become part of a powerful tradition: A tradition grounded in the knowledge that every 线上赌博app student – past, 现在, and future – has benefited and will continue to benefit from the generosity of those who have come before them.


  • 每日卓越:线上赌博app年度基金


    “每一天,我们都希望学生们能做到最好. The Everyday Excellence fund is an opportunity to give yours.”

    我们希望你能同意, there’s no better description of the way annual giving supports 优秀的 teaching and learning on the Hilltop, 日复一日, 一年365天. It’s Everyday Excellence that provides the resources for 线上赌博app to offer an unparalleled educational experience that champions diversity, 活力, 和探索.
    在其187年的历史中, 线上赌博app has seen its share of disruptions and hardship—including multiple wars, 大萧条, 还有两大流行病. 在每次危机中, 它已经能够迅速作出反应和适应, thanks to continued support from passionate and generous alumni, 家庭, 和伍斯特的邻居.
    支持 for Everyday Excellence does not make a 线上赌博app education 可能的. 但它确实做到了 优秀的. 各种规模的贡献, 以支持卓越日常, combine to give WA the freedom to say “是的” to new opportunities for students, and to ensure they have the very best resources and materials with which to learn.
  • 计划给

    Have you ever wished you could support 线上赌博app and improve your financial security at the same time? Financial advisors call these creative techniques – planned gifts – because with thoughtful planning, you can turn personal giving challenges into win-win solutions for you and for us.

    计划给 is a term that refers to a set of tools that a donor can use to leave money or assets - other than cash or securities - to 线上赌博app. Examples include a life insurance policy, an IRA, trust or bequest. Some planned giving vehicles allow the donor to reduce income or estate taxes, 增加收入, or satisfy some other personal financial need during his/her lifetime.

    So whether you want to make a gift that costs you nothing during your lifetime, 或者是一份能保证你终身收入的礼物, this website is where you’ ll find out how to make it happen.

    The 1834 Society is composed of alumni and friends of 线上赌博app who have thoughtfully included WA in their estate plans. To become a member submit the following information or contact Jennifer DiFranco, 发展总监 珍妮花.difranco@hth-ope.com. 了解更多线上赌博app 计划捐赠方案. 
  • 给予的方式

    To make a gift using your credit card, please use our convenient 网上捐赠表格 或致电508-754-5302,分机119. 


    Send a check or money order made payable to 线上赌博app to:

    伍斯特,MA 01604

    To wire a donation to 线上赌博app, please use the following instructions. 请在备忘录上注明“年度基金”. 资金必须是美元.

    伍斯特,MA 01604 

    ABA /路由号码: 2113-7054-5
    斯威夫特代码: NRTHUS33XXX
    账户号码: 014023014
    伍斯特,MA 01604 

    Please notify your broker or bank to transfer securities as follows:

    汉诺威,NH 03755

    核磁测井# 178838

    P: +1 603-442-7941
    F: +1 603-371-2441

    DTC号码: 0015
    西澳账号: 503-032234

    约翰T. 南瑟或者彼得·斯特恩
    P: +1 603-442-7941, F: +1 603-371-2441

    Brenna Houlihan,高级注册律师
    P: +1 603-442-7948

    P: +1 603-442-7925

    有价证券的礼物,如股票, mutual fund shares or other appreciated assets can be a great tax-efficient method for making a gift to WA. 在大多数情况下, you can take a tax deduction for the full market value of the gift and avoid any capital gains tax. For complete instructions to ensure the successful execution of your unrestricted, 上市的证券, 请参阅“计划捐赠”. 请通知凯蒂·休斯 凯蒂.hughes@hth-ope.com
    或拨打508-754-5302转119. if you are making a gift of stock so that we may process it in a timely fashion. 
    Double or even triple your gift's impact on 线上赌博app! More than one thousand companies offer some level of corporate match for their employees' philanthropic interests. 最重要的是, you are recognized for the full amount of your own gift plus any resulting corporate match.

    Contact your company's personnel or human resources office to find out if your employer, 或者你配偶的雇主, 是否有配对礼物计划.

    If you have any further questions about making a gift, please contact Katy Hughes at 凯蒂.hughes@hth-ope.com
  • 常见问题

    问:为什么支持WA很重要?  学费不应该包括学校的所有开支吗?
    线上赌博app, 像大多数教育机构一样, operates under a different business model than for-profit businesses. 作为一个501(c)(3)非盈利组织, a philanthropic component is an essential part of our financial model. The tuition we charge covers only about 85% of what it costs to educate each student. 剩下的15%主要来自捐赠.
    是的. 线上赌博app is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and, 像这样, 你的捐款是免税的.
    Q: Why does WA ask for an annual gift in addition to supporting its capital campaign?
    线上赌博app must continue to meet its annual operating costs even as it is building toward the future, much like an individual must continue to pay their current expenses while saving for retirement.
    Q: Can I give to a specific program or area of 线上赌博app that I care about?
    是的! When a donor instructs the Academy about how to use his or her gift – whether to the Annual Fund or for capital projects – the gift is referred to as “restricted.“当然可以。, 以确保礼物的最大影响, 限制是基于学院的课程和需求.
    问:作为一个在校学生的家长, why is giving to capital campaign projects that my child will not benefit from important?
    资本项目在很大程度上推动了学校的发展. When 线上赌博app grows and prospers, word gets out and WA graduates reap benefits. 进一步, parents who participate in a capital campaign often understand that their child is benefitting from the generosity of donors in the past.
$25,000 to $49,999
$10,000 to $24,999
$5,000 to $9,999
$2,500 to $4,999
$1,000 to $2,499
$100 to $999